Ofsted comments for Kids adVentures Prestwich:

Children arrive happy, confident and ready to learn at this friendly setting. Children look out of the window with excitement to see their friends arriving. Even very young children point excitedly and name their friends.

Partnership with parents is strong. The setting runs workshops on requested topics. This gives consistency in learning for children between the setting and home.

The setting considers children’s needs well and adapts the provision to support individual children. For example, the setting has reduced the number of children in the outside area at one time. This ensures that individual children are not overwhelmed and promotes positive behaviour.

Children confidently join in with songs. Those with little spoken language engage with the actions. Children are developing their motor skills and are enjoying being part of a group. This is evident as they clap hands and smile at each other at the end of the song.

Ofsted comments for Kids adVentures Salford:

Children are happy and confident. They listen to staff and show kindness to their peers. Older children support their younger friends by showing them different ways to play and guiding them during activities. Babies thrive in the peaceful environment.

Babies especially show affectionate bonds with staff. They reach for them when the wake from a nap, craving cuddles and some quiet time. Staff respond warmly and rock back and forth with children in their arms until they feel ready to play.

Children are engaged constantly. They huddle around staff for story time, explore different fresh flowers and count out loud with their peers. They enjoy their learning.

Staff support children’s communication and language skills particularly well. Babies explore different textures with play dough. They gaze at their key persons as they introduce words like ‘leaf’ and ‘herb’. Babies show they are listening intently even at this young age. Older children are introduced to new descriptive language as they create. They practice these new words, repeating ‘scratchy’ and ‘fragrant’ as they examine fresh rosemary stalks.

Staff feel supported and happy within their roles. They know they can approach the management team for anything they need. The management team appreciate that staff work hard and continuously consider new ways to further evolve the setting.

Parents are very happy with the care and education their children receive at this setting. They particularly appreciate the ‘strong relationships’ between children and staff. They comment that staff are ‘dedicated’ and plan exciting, purposeful activities to support their children’s development.

Ofsted comments for Kids adVentures Forest School:

Children eagerly arrive at forest school, excited about their day. They access all their learning outdoors, which is central to the curriculum. Activities underpin the early years foundation stage and are imaginative and meaningful.

Children are superbly engaged in the provision and decision making. For example, every morning they hold a planning meeting with staff and discuss the activities they would like to explore. Highly qualified and experienced staff are extremely skilful in providing high-quality learning experiences. Children demonstrate a thirst for learning.

Children are extremely happy and settled in the forest school. Every aspect of the day is a learning opportunity. Children have a can-do attitude and show high levels of perseverance. The environment provides a wealth of learning opportunities.

Staff have the highest expectations for every child. Children understand the safety rules of the campfire and show immense care as they tend to the nursery chickens. Staff place children’s well-being at the centre of their practice.

Staff forge highly successful partnerships with parents through a variety of strategies. For example, parents are fully involved with ongoing assessment and home learning. Parents are invited into nursery to share sessions with children and learn about the forest school ethos. Parents are extremely complimentary about the service provided. They state, ‘children gain experience of the real world and gain skills they can take through life’ and ‘wow, staff are amazing!’.